What Hangs Around The Edge
is a certain effort
to obtain certain things from raw matter,
and that instinct and intelligence,
taken in their finished state,
are two distinct means
of utilizing a tool
for this object;
in the first case,
the tool is a part of the living creature;
in the other, it is an inorganic instrument
which man has to invent,
make and learn to handle….
Grant the fact of utilization,
still more the fact of fabrication
and then, the fact of invention
….you will find all the elements of intelligence,
for its purpose explains its structure.
But we must not forget
there still hangs around the edge
of intelligence a fringe of instinct,
and in the depths of instinct
there still survive
gleams of intelligence.
— excerpt The Two Sources Of Religion And Morality by Henri Bergson p. 118