To Continue
Without dispute
mechanization (science/technology)
has developed the means of satisfying real needs,
but we reproach it with having too strongly encouraged,
artificial ones,
with having fostered luxury,
with having favored the towns
to the detriment of the countryside,
lastly with having widened the gap
and revolutionized
the relationship between employer and employed,
between capital and labor.
These effects can all be corrected,
and then the machine would be nothing
but a great benefactor.
But then,
humanity must set about
simplifying its existence
with as much frenzy
as it devoted
to complicating it.
–excerpt The Two Sources Of Morality And Religion
By Henri Bergson p. 307 pub. 1932
I didn’t post yesterday. Caught between a early appointment with a furniture repair technician, and child care for the grandkids I bowed to those circumstances. Life/Nature continues on, never mind that our routine, our preferred schedule is interrupted. One of the baristas at Starbucks even noticed that I was missing yesterday. Its nice to be missed.
More rain fell last night, the inevitable result of atmospheric cause and effect. As was yesterdays full-throated accusation by the President of his accuser and of those members of congress who oppose him — of treason. He’d like to see them hang, as was the custom in the Founders time.
We humans are as animal-like as any dog, or racoon, or field mouse. Some of us rarely if ever rise to the level of reason, of a humanizing self disciplined, measured response to those who disagree with us.
I continue to unpack my books, the library that I’ve collected over the past 30 years of reading. Naturally there are many works of philosophy and literature. Many of these I’ve read and are now a resource, and I feel their authors to be old friends. Some remain to be read. I kept most of my books on business. I can’t part with them yet. I don’t plan to start another company, but who knows what the future may hold? A company is the quintessential institutional mechanism for exerting influence, for making a difference. According to Aristotle the purpose of philosophy is for taking action……
I had the pleasure of attending a Socrates Cafe session at the Geneva Commons Barnes & Noble last night. It was a delightful evening of well conducted discussion with individuals who mindfully drew upon their life experience. I felt fortunate to have been welcomed by the group. One topic that surfaced often throughout the session was Climate Change and the disruptions that are sure to come.