Day 2
Change can be counted upon. Today is sunny, yesterday was gray — tomorrow will be felt and seen as a unique opportunity. With the sunrise the day is born anew and so should I be. Yet I know that yesterdays challenges, the endemic obstacles and the inherited frictions within human nature endure from day to day. Welcome again today, to the hard-edged Real, and welcome to our strategium to make reality civilized, a good-enough habitat.
I‘ve been thinking about capitalism. I ought to write the word as capitalized. Capitalism is the dominant ethos of the early 21st century globally. Capitalism is the assumed, unspoken, construct of meaning which lies behind the scenes, — protected from criticism, universally subscribed to no matter the form of government: liberal democratic to nominally communist, party ruled.
I have wondered that capitalism is so violent, seeming becoming more so as it is scaled up with a few corporations becoming virtual monopolies in their sectors. A Darwinian environment, eat or be eaten.
From the viewpoint of ethics one is repelled by an ethos that has no pity, empathy.
On the other hand, and there’s always another angle of view, market-forces are a useful rationale for why I am not the success, have not been able to achieve the prosperity and prestige, that idealized American Dream which everyone believes is the promise made to all. My failure is not my fault, due to my faulty work ethic, or my average intellect….. etc. I find that I am willing to endure my lot-in-life because the Big Other that structures everything, the social mask that everyone wears, insures social stability, and makes a radical questioning of the status quo unlikely. Nevermind, (something that never comes to mind) that I have a miniscule quotient of freedom by comparison to a few uber-wealthy Americans.
Social stability is not to be shortchanged as unimportant.