Living Within The Dream, Lucidly If I Can
Adventurers only exist within the time of their own mortality. No heaven or hell, no memory or glory lie beyond the moment in which their bodies start rotting. The time of adventure only exists as a ‘time of now’….. Whatever we desire, we can only achieve within the narrow time of our biology.
Before and beyond us is only the bleak wake of galaxies and dark matter. Similarly to the planet we live on, our lives have to considered as the fragile, implausible occurrences of a mistake within an indifferent universe.
Yet, if such bleakness and fragility might be too much for us to bear, the time of adventure also provides a warmer, deeper space in which our lives can unfold. As with every oasis, the centre of a life of adventure is the depth of the well that connects the surface to the spring. The time of adventure might only stretch a few decades in breadth, but it sinks almost infinitely in depth
— excerpt The Last Night by Fredrico Campagna pg. 67
I am slowly reading a small book entitled The Last Night – Anti-work, Atheism, Adventure by Fredrico Campagna. My intuition tells me what I am reading has the potential to change my life. Anything that one reads always has that effect to a small degree. Campagna’s words are a scale of magnitude greater than anything I’ve read lately. A core concept of his proposal for organizing/understanding one’s self, one’s life, and by extension a revolutionary re-organization of society is contained in the word: Adventure.