White Rabbit Interlude
How many years since you’ve remembered the lyrics of White Rabbit, or listened to the tune? Grace Slick belted out her anthem of resistance at a time when American young men were asked to kill Vietnamese young men, in the jungles and villages of Vietnam. At the time one line of resistance to official policy was to retreat into a drug induced miasma. In that day, which I am still able to remember, the psychedelia was individual. Now into the second decade of the 21st Century the altered states of perception, distorted thinking, the bizarre euphoria are generalized, widely expressed as as support for totalitarian minded candidates, and tacit approval of crony Capitalism. A collective id rises to the surface. Four lines of the lyric strike me as descriptive of our time…
When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen’s “off with her head!”
What is to be done? I do not know. Maybe we could just, “Go ask Alice..”
Anyway, enjoy the video.