Plague Journal, Melting In The Dark
This is one of those most sad songs, MacArthur Park. And everyone loved to hear it, to sing it in 1967.
How can one not take Buddhism seriously? The impermanence of all things, life as suffering, etc. Everything passes, becomes unhinged, fails it’s intended function, etc. Acceptance of such an assessment of our condition is the pivot point of repose, of balance of mind and heart, — according to the teaching of the Buddha. The Buddha was not a god, or the spokesperson for divinity. The Buddha was simply a person who “got it”, an enlightened one.
Why so blue, why so dark in outlook, you are apt to ask. It started with the rabbit attack on the hosta that were newly planted. I guess the joke is on

me. I knew the rabbit was there, the yard was it’s habitat and that all rabbits are vegetarians. I even named the rabbit “Percival.” Did I really think that my feelings of “good will” toward the plant eating

mammal would make a difference?
One of the four hosta plants purchased and planted, was decimated down to the brown earth, a tasty meal no doubt, for the always hungry lagomorph.

I’ve since protected the others with a wire barrier, likely to be more effective than was my fertile imagination. Nature does not conform to our whim. I’ve ordered a replacement hosta for the consumed plant.

I am not feeling hopeful regarding the fall presidential election on November 3rd. The Presidents new postmaster general is taking measures to degrade the mail delivery effectiveness of the post office. This will impair voting by mail, which is in line with the President and his party’s policy of voter suppression. Another example of what happens when citizens elect a “daddy” to pay heed to their welfare, rather than attend to their own affairs.
Between the covid-19 pandemic that is ripping through our country, unhindered, the result of our failing testing and contact tracing efforts, and a president who only cares about his prospects for reelection – the prospects for our survival as a first world democracy appear to be poor. Nature, rabbits or a virus are what they are, no matter our attempts at denial.
The rabbit isn’t laughing; Nature doesn’t laugh.
In line with the Buddhist tradition, why not enjoy the ride, whether the direction happens to be up, or happens to be down? Several flower garden photos taken within the last 24 hours enable me to be thankful. The banner photo is of a hummingbird moth.
Enjoy the rock anthem. Consider the lyrics.
MacArthur Park
by Donna Summer
Spring was never waiting for us dear
It ran one step ahead
As we followed in the dance
MacArthur’s Park is melting in the dark
All the sweet, green icing flowing down
Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don’t think that I can take it
’cause it took so long to bake it
And I’ll never have that recipe again
Oh, nooooo
I recall the yellow cotton dress
Foaming like a wave
On the ground beneath your knees
The birds like tender babies in your hands
And the old men playing chinese checkers by the trees
MacArthur’s Park is melting in the dark
All the sweet green icing flowing down
Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don’t think that I can take it
‘Cause it took so long to bake it
And I’ll never have that recipe again
Oh, nooooo
MacArthur’s Park is melting in the dark
All the sweet green icing flowing down
Someone left my cake out in the rain
I don’t think that I can take it
‘Cause it took so long to make it
And I’ll never have that recipe again
Oh, nooooo
lyrics by Jimmy Webb, fall of 1967
One thought on “Plague Journal, Melting In The Dark”
The Buddha taught ‘Four Noble Truths’ :
Life is suffering ( or, ‘Dissatisfaction” , from the original Pali. I kind of like that better but, this is the west – we do BIG things)
so again:
Life is suffering
Suffering has a cause
The Cessation to suffering is possible
The cessation to suffering is possible by adhering to a simple Eightfold Path.