Plague Journal, Decadence
The term is used often by Nietzsche in his writings. I have quoted often, a few longish passages from The Anti-Christ. There is no need for additional quotation here. Nietzsche, living in the late 19th century saw clearly the precursors of Wiemar Republic, the Nazi cultic ideology and war that shortly followed. In his day he judged the German people decadent.
I am tempted, along with everyone else to be loose with language, to throw labels around, as if we were children in a playground throwing stones. As a child I recall being scolded by my parents more than once for throwing stones. Throwing stones… Perhaps that’s something one never outgrows?
In any case, decadence is a strong word, not something to be used inconsiderately. A fundamentalist-minded person, self appointed moralists, will used the word to condemn his fellow citizens for behavior and ways of life that he or she does not understand. A dictionary definition:
Moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.
I recognize that for the philosophically inclined, it is easy to talk a point to death, forgetting that words are nothing but tools for communication. This definition given by standard usage is easily understandable. One must ask though, since change is always the state of things, — who decides, or by what standard is our perception of change in moral sensibilities, or the practices of culture, to be retrograde, a slide toward dissolution?
“Decadence” came to mind, Saturday while I waited for my order of pizza to be finished for pickup at the Riverside Pizza and Pub here in Batavia. Due to a mishap with the order, extra time was needed, and I agreed to wait at the bar for a few minutes. I was offered a Blue Moon beer, so as not to become thirsty while waiting. I relaxed, absorbing the atmosphere of this successful pizza pub. A number of big screen TVs showing sporting events were overhead. There were several baseball games, a screen showing motocross motorcycle racing, and several displaying Pro Wresting. “Professional” wrestling is a concept that prompts an existential cringe. Bulked up males, a pantomime of extreme physical violence, blatant display of strutting egos, etc. I am sure you’ve seen it before. Surreal.
Patiently sitting at the bar, my gaze lowered to the surface of countertop, just beyond where I rested my glass. Who would not like the taste of Fireball whiskey? Cinnamon flavor explodes with warmth in one’s mouth. I like it. Perhaps that’s the pivot point of decadence. Just a taste, a modest amount poured over ice, is an experience for enjoyment, something to enhance life’s journey.
To have more, seduced or choosing to consume much more — decadence. Decadence is the thought that it is possible to wring more out of life, than life presents for our well being, our enjoyment.
Just a taste, then to say to oneself: Enough.
There you have it, a thought experiment. Who decides behaviors, attitudes that are decadent? What is the standard for a judgment call? I must make the call, there is no father-figure to whom I can defer judgment. The responsibility rests upon yours truly, upon you the reader. And what of the standard, the measure by which you and I decide? Shall we decide upon the Bible, a collection of stories of lives lived in the iron age? Some prefer the Bhagavad Gita, or the Heart Sutra? What divinely inspired text is legitimate? You and i are thrown back upon our “better judgment.” There is no other standard. No divinity, no father-figure-leader, nothing at all to lift the responsibility from our shoulders.
What do you think?
And now a great rock tune from INXS.
New Sensation
Live baby live
Now that the day is over
I got a new sensation
In perfect moments
Impossible to refuse
Sleep baby sleep
Now that the night is over
And the sun comes like a god
Into our room
All perfect light and promises
Gotta hold on you
A new sensation
A new sensation
Right now
Gonna take you over
A new sensation
A new sensation
Dream baby dream
Of all that’s come and going
And you will find out
In the end
There really is
There really is no difference
Cry baby cry
When you’ve got to get it out
I’ll be your shoulder
You can tell me all
Don’t keep it in ya
Well that’s the reason why I’m here
Are you ready for a new sensation
A new sensation
Right now
Gonna take you on a new sensation
A new sensation
Hate baby hate
When there’s nothing left for you
You’re only human
What can you do
It’ll soon be over
Don’t let your pain take over you
Love baby love
It’s written all over your face
There’s nothing better we could do
Than live forever
Well that’s all we’ve got to do
Hey now I’m gonna take a new sensation
A new sensation