Being Human
Our culture idolizes youth. The images selected for commercial promotion are adults and children, in the bloom of health, active, energized by joie de vivre, apparently eternally young. The message directly voiced, or indirectly implied is the product under offer, is the secret to this well being. I wish that were true.
Last night after turning in, the low level sore throat that I had medicated for the past eight hours blew up to a serrated blade piercing my throat. The pain was relentless, intense. I was unable to clear my air passages or to cough, without intensifying the pain. I migrated from the bedroom to the couch in the TV room. It was going to be a long night.
Waking at irregular intervals in the dark room, two elements remained fixed in my conscious mind. Prompted to consciousness by a act of swallowing, my mind played with words, words which might serve to tell the story come morning, of this descent into misery. The other element was the pure white glowing LED logo at the bottom of our television, VIZIO. Strangely I was consoled by the unwavering fixity of that brand logo. I felt comforted that I remained in my home, and that morning would soon come, and with the dawn, reasonable expectation that the pain would subside. The mind needs a tether when lashed repeatedly by misery in the early morning hours.
Mornings light is a promise that well being will return and day follows night.