Plague Journal, The Anthropocene
Neither divine punishment nor the nemesis of history.
It is difficult not the see the pandemic as the consequence
of our devastating, short-sighted choices regarding the environment.
We have treated planet Earth as a dumping ground, a warehouse
for dross and garbage, a heap of ruins.
Yet it is impossible to save the planet without transforming the world.
Ecology itself must change; yet to free itself of patriarchal concepts,
it must consider the Earth as the oikos,
the domestic sphere of life.
There is a striking link between ecology and economy.
The ecological collapse is the product of capitalism.
The fusion between techno-economy and biosphere is plain for all to see –
as are its deadly results.
is the name that has been given to the geological era
conditioned by human domination,
in which nature has been irreparably eroded.
But this violent process would not have been possible
if it were not for the burning flame of capital.
That is why it is impossible to imagine a new way
of inhabiting the earth,
unless we bids farewell
to the planetary
debt economy.
…inhabiting is not a synonym
for having or possessing.
— Excerpt Immunodemocracy Capitalist Asphyxia
by Donatella Di Cesare p. 26
Sunday morning. Today the weather is unsettled. A respite is forecast from the downpours of the past several days. Sunshine illuminates the streets. Be thankful for immediate blessings, comes the reminder to myself.
All is not well as anyone who is awake recognizes. The quotation from Donatella Di Cesare is a succinct description of our condition presently. The future is unpredictable, as the penumbra of cause and effect is beyond calculation. Almost certainly conditions required for life, all life will diminish.
I read somewhere the anthropocene began with the test detonation of the first atomic weapon, Trinity, at Los Alamos New Mexico in 1945. Prescient, the name given to the “experiment” was that of the old Judeo-Christian god. Who in his/her right mind would conjure a god, come down to earth?
“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. – from the Bhagavad-Gita quoted by J. Robert Oppenheimer upon observing the Trinity test at Los Alamos , July 16, 1945