The Eye of god
There is a park in Mundelein. A creek runs through the park, providing sanctuary for finches, red wing black birds, and more that I do not recognize. Wild flowers in abundance crowd the opposing banks. Children find adventure descending the stone faced banks to peer into the shallow, slow flowing stream. The more daring ones wade the cool waters to gain the path on the other bank. The laughter of children mingle with the song of birds hidden within the tall grasses gently moving in the breeze.
I enjoy visiting the creek during the growing season. Each petal, of every flowering blossom in itself forms a world. They reach for the light streaming from our life giving sun. The blue sky forms a dome overhead. A giant old cottonwood presides over the little Eden in Kraklauer park.
What I, in my rush, and practiced distraction miss, –my camera lens captures faithfully.
All nature is the rapid efflux of goodness executing and organizing itself. –Circles, Ralph Waldo Emerson