Land Of Hopes And Dreams
November 2nd, election day. But I voted early. Not that my voice will be heard. Is my voice hypothetically, durable enough to be heard, given the radical oppositional viewpoints, indeed the incipient violence roiling this land of “hopes and dreams?”
Given what we Americans desire, the future we actively support, and the disparate languages evolved to express those visions — are we not involved in a collective shouting match? I refer to the political parties, each regards the other as incomprehensible, as if native to some planet outside of our solar system.
No matter the election day tally, will I compromise with anyone who believes that women cannot be allowed to make any and all decisions about healthcare? Can I “split the difference” with any individual who believes that destitute families fleeing starvation should be turned back at the border, repatriated to where they came from? Is it possible that I will make peace with anyone who prefers a bombastic, abusive, father-figure “leader,” a man-without-pity? Should I say anything at all about the gun issue?
The street and buildings outside glow with light. The day is sublime unspeakably beautiful. Still, I feel I ought to go outside to stand on the curb and scream across the intersection.
A voice? Should I not stand on the curb at 3rd and State and scream into the traffic?
Nietzsche once wrote that “God is dead” murdered by those who confessed the strongest faith…
Liberal democracy is dead. Murdered by those claiming fealty to the Constitution.
2 thoughts on “Land Of Hopes And Dreams”
Wow…Jerry, I love this piece. It speaks to the vast confusion I face as ballots are cast.
I appreciate the comment. I do not feel confusion so much as I feel grief. A good number of Americans had rather see democracy in the rear view mirror, than abide a President, and a party which they’ve come to despise. As hard as this is to accept, I belief this is a true description of our condition.