Goin’ Off The Deep End
Friday morning, the air clean, brisk, — is illumined by our sun. Humanity is warmed by the same sun, as our home world rotates.
Every word in the two sentences just written is relative, a marker for a set of relationships. Nevertheless all of it feels absolutely true. Do you not feel that humanity is one, a unitary living species, upon this old earth, reliably warmed, and nourished along with countless additional organisms? Certainly there is no one correct way to express, to re-present a truth of this-sliver-of-time, this Friday morning. Language is art. Art is the potential of infinite expression. How many colors do you have in your box?
Any, or all individuals who believe there is one supreme truth, which they alone understand and express, — are confused, lying, or mentally unhinged and may have malicious intentions. Buyer beware.
Welcome to the party! Today is Friday, a warmup for the weekend! Wait! Right here, right now is the weekend! You are in the show.
Working For the Weekend by Loverboy.
Go ahead, it’s your turn. Go off the deep end with those colors!
You wanna be in the showCome on baby let’s go