A Secret, Inextinguishable Drunkenness
A group, five of us discussed the principles of Buddhist philosophy, the world view that rises from noticing the fluidity of “things.” We are surrounded by a kaleidoscope should we pause, slow down sufficiently to notice. What is real? I am not sure. Moreover I too am kaleidoscopic… I cannot assume a god-like vantage point, like that of an unmoved mover. What you see is what you get…
To the realists.–
You sober people
who feel well armed
against passion and fantasies…
As if reality stood unveiled
before you only, and you yourselves
were perhaps the best part of it…
are not even you still very passionate and dark
creatures compared to fish,
and still far too similar to an artist in love?
And what is “reality” for an artist in love?
You are still burdened
with those estimates of things
that have their origin in the passions and loves
of former centuries.
Your sobriety
still contains a secret and inextinguishable drunkenness.
Your love of “reality”, for example — oh. that is a primeval “love.”
Every feeling and sensation contains a piece of this old love;
and some fantasy, some prejudice, some unreason, some ignorance, some fear,
and ever so much else has contributed to it and worked on it.
That mountain there!
That cloud there!
What is “real” in that?
Subtract the phantasm and every human contribution from it,
My sober friends! If you can!
If you can
forget your descent,
your past,
your training
–all of your humanity and animality.
There is no “reality” for us –
not for you either, my sober friends.
–excerpt The Gay Science, Book 2, Section 57 by Friedrich Nietzsche