Fashioning Paradise
At the racetrack on a Saturday afternoon, I feel gratitude for yet another experience of earthly paradise. I am able to be with others, fellow citizens that I know only slightly. That fragment of common ground is enough: the passion for quarter mile competition unites us. Paradise, an ideal condition of experience is always something held in common with others is it not? I do not know what it is like “to be you.” Is that necessary, truly important as long as we love the same things, affirm similar experience?
Much turns upon language, a certain emotional posture, a disposition to a repertoire of action triggered by explicit terms… Think about it!
I participated with a group of friends this past week to discuss the state of democracy in our representative democratic nation. A question was posed at the end of our session: Is it possible to govern a nation when the citizens are unable to agree upon the words of the founding documents? To put the matter starkly: What are our prospects of fashioning paradise in the light of a radical disagreement?
On Saturday seated in the stands at the racetrack I took note apparel worn by another patron seated with me. What feelings, what behavior does “stick to your guns” signify to each of us? Does it mean that a well regulated state military force such as our National Guard will be armed and trained to protect us? Or does it mean that I am allowed to purchase any semi-automatic hand gun or assault weapon so attractively displayed in gun shops? Have we created, are we in process of creating a society where owning and displaying rapid fire military weapons is allowed to anyone over eighteen years of age?
Apparently we have and are.
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. -2nd amendment to the Constitution
…should you and I need a reminder of the text. The language is simple enough.
2 thoughts on “Fashioning Paradise”
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Actually, given the historical context within which the language of the 2nd Amendment was written, the language is not simple enough without historical interpretation. A well-regulated militia was assembled voluntarily from local or regional adult individuals 16 years of age and older who had been trained in the safe use of rifles and black powder muskets before volunteering. For more about the historical context within which the 2nd Amendment was written, go to:
Indeed understanding of the historical context is necessary for a full understanding of the statement. That said, the 21st century context, our present state of a rising rate of suicide by gun, and the gun play with attendant deaths and injury in our urban areas begs for immediate addressing. Further hand wringing of all types, — political and religious is a waste of time, guaranteed to advance the casualty count. We must make a fork in this road even if there seems to be none. An endemically violent society cannot cohere.