Fractured, Baked, Assaulted, Overrun
Good morning! Some snapshots of things related to us, — while we were sleeping… For a more complete rendering visit the NEW YORK TIMES.
Screenwriters — who are unionized — have gone on strike in an attempt to use their collective leverage to avoid becoming Hollywood’s equivalent of adjunct professors.
Today, only one or two writers remain with a show through production, while others produce scripts and are then dropped from the process. “The making of television is very compartmentalized now,”…
As a result, writers’ pay has stagnated even as streaming has led to a boom in the number of television shows.
The trend is a microcosm of larger developments. Nationwide, the pay of the bottom 90 percent of earners has trailed well behind economic growth in recent decades. Most Americans have not received their share of the economy’s growing bounty,..
Hollywood writers — and, as of last week, actors too — are now trying to make such a push against inequality.
More than 86 million Americans live with dangerous heat, and El Paso has endured 33 straight days of 100-degree temperatures.
Russia intensified its assault on Ukraine’s food exports, attacking port facilities in Odessa and warning other countries that bypassing its Black Sea blockade would be an act of war.
Rabbits have overrun a Florida island.
Overpopulation is no small matter. A runaway proliferation of a species collides with every other species. Too many of a species, other life-forms will prematurely die. A dark logic.