Come Out !
In a nutshell! Nietzsche’s POV of life. Come out, come out of your nook he urges the reader! Live your life, expansively, assertively… Thinking/living to defend is a minor note to the torrent of life… Come out of your human nook, be the lion!
a scientist
should come out of his human nook;
and in nature it is not conditions of distress
that are dominant but overflow and squandering,
even to the point of absurdity.
The struggle for existence
is only an exception,
a temporary restriction of the will to life.
The great and small struggle
always revolves around superiority, around growth and expansion,
around power
— in accordance with the will to power
which is the will of life.
–excerpt The Gay Science, Book 5, Section 349 by Friedrich Nietzsche