Without Words
The air is cool, cleansed by a day of rain.
I do not remember the last time of a full day of rain. Rain comes infrequently, as if nature is diffident, inattentive to the thirst of plants and creatures living on a thin crust of the earth. Another consequence of climate warming, perhaps? Heat energizes, accelerates, greater intensity, throw-weight to weather patterns. Gentle, day-long soaking rain is more a memory-of-year’s-past than a recent event…
A few minutes ago I read a New York Times report of a flood in Lybia.
The authorities said that two dams unleashed their waters during a heavy storm this weekend, sweeping entire neighborhoods into the sea.
“Climate” once might have been the definition of “slow change.”
Not any more…
New words, apt vocabulary, semantics for comprehending our condition…
This, – the dark side of the moon.