Enough Luck
This graphic was featured in a Sunday edition of the New York Times. “Luck” – If you are lucky… Of course the entire point is the unknown of the future, your future and mine. Would you delight to have a long life, winning against the odds, what we mean by luck? I would.
My circumstances are agreeable and I’d like more time to enjoy, to explore the unfolding lives of four grandchildren. To be sure I still have projects that I desire to see through to completion, that is, to apply my best efforts toward exploring more, writing more, becoming more. Is there any end?
Yes, inevitably endings come. I felt respect that the Lilly Pharma graphic directly expressed both sides of the coin of life. IF you are one of the lucky ones, know that your well being is time bound, has an expiration date.
Is it not beneficial to consider both sides of the coin, to face the truth head-on, without self-deception? To be human is to be mortal, in concert with all else that we love, and that we touch.
Somehow, one way or another I’d like to be at peace with my mortality. I think those coming storms will be interesting, fascinating as a storm can be…