Questions Don’t Amount To Much
A gray but mild February day, almost like a Southern winter day. Climate warming amounts to season after season of decreased snowfall, of fewer days of single-digit bitter cold… More heat means exponential acceleration, intensity, a supercharged process,… Opinions become irrelevant. A slow breaking of what we thought to be normal…
I read two story-poems today from Palestinian poet, Hisham Bustani. One way or another, a poet is a Metaphysician, usually undercover. Here are lines lifted from the story-poem SLOW BREAKING OF LONG-TERM BONDS:
“Do we choose life or does it choose us?” she was asking. “Do we create our own destinies, or do we simply make our way patiently and submissively according to some pre-ordained fate?”
When she raises her eyes from the glass and meets his gaze, she knows the answer, and she knows that her questions don’t amount to much. And she’s poking a tiny hole in what is the brick wall of her powerlessness — an illusory hole, at that.
A tune! What tune shall we raise as our banner-of-resistance, in this, our crossing of the wine-dark sea of life? This is a raw cover of Paul McCartney’s hit anthem, Live and Let Die by Guns N’ Roses.