Lake Geneva
It’s early Monday morning. The sun glows a fiery ball behind overcast clouds. Around 1 PM a eclipse of the sun by the moon is to occur, but we are unlikely to see it. The solar system continues to move in orbital regularity as it has for a very long time, by human time scales. Copernicus and Galileo were the first to understand, that the earth as not the center of physical reality. We are still struggling to understand that humankind is not the center, the ultimately important element of Being. On the other hand, could we be?
Lake Geneva is a special place. I try to visit often in order to sit by the lake, reading and absorbing the uncommon beauty of the shoreline and water. Of course we walk around the town, and may visit a shop of two. A art gallery in town, Galerie Matisse is outstanding for the variety and quality of its offerings. The owner Bob is usually on hand, and is willing to discuss at length art in general, and the work chosen for display in his gallery.
Saturday Lake Geneva was crowded with visitors. Perhaps that evening may have been Venetian Night with the boat parade and fireworks afterward. We walked through the grassy expanse of park between the public library and the lake front observing family groups picnicing and children playing all around us. We walked down to the Rivera Boat House aware that people of many national origins were all around. This is a microcosm of America, a destination for individuals of every culture, religion, –a place to make themselves new and to make their new country. “This land is your land, this land is my land.”
I enjoy the boats moored to the dock at the Rivera. I admired a fast “cigarette” type boat, with “Outlaw” emblazoned under the windshield. This was a “go-fast” boat sometimes referred to as a “rum runner.” The Gage Cruise Line pleasure boats use the Rivera dock to conduct their business. One Gage craft is particularly beautiful, with a beautiful name as well. I caught a photo of the
Lorelei as it was returning from an outing on the lake. The boat was built in 1954 in Holland. It could have come out of the Godfather movie.
We ended our day with dinner at Popeyes. Seated under the umbrellas the service was prompt. We could not resist the offer of chicken which is slow roasted over charcoal just a few feet away, in the rotisserie shed. A visit to Lake Geneva was a reminder of just how good life can be.