Fish Creek
This is my first visit to Door County Wisconsin. Door County is a peninsula with Green Bay to the west side of one shoreline, and Lake Michigan to the east of the other shore. It is the proximity of the great fresh water lake that shapes the environment and the way of life of the people who live here. Yesterday we hung out in Fish Creek. Fish Creek is on the Greenbay side. Having breakfast, leisurely walking along the main street which runs within sight of the beautiful harbor, stopping in at TR Pottery to admire the exquisite work, spending time with a fine cup of coffee and a book at the Blue Horse Cafe —was a sublime experience.
I am including some photos of the fall displays that we admired as we walked outside in the unusually warm weather. The weather has been without frost here in northern Wisconsin so the annuals remain in bloom in mid Fall.
Pumpkins capture for me the fulfillment of Nature, yet another growing season providing the gift of sustenance. I love the warmth of the orange, and shades of yellow and tan.
I am drawn to Nature and the pumpkin is a reminder that I am part of the unimaginably great cosmos –from the stars, to the earth, to the lake and to the pumpkin field.
I enjoyed the Blue Horse cafe, a comfortable coffee shop that welcomed us for a session of reading. Coffee shops promote both solitude and good company, a paradox. The owner answered my questions about a surf board that was suspended from the ceiling. The curvature of the board and the rich wood grain showing through the resin made the board seem transcendent, as is all art.
Certainly we will visit Fish Creek again. I cannot escape the importance of place. The singular influence of geography, weather, what is produced to sustain us from the land, and fellow-men and women living and working there–all contribute to who I am and to my sense of belonging.
Fish Creek is remembered with gratitude.
One thought on “Fish Creek”
Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos, and observations about Fish Creek. John and I had the opportunity to visit Fish Creek a few years ago, and we also enjoyed the beauty of nature and the vibrant colors of the Fall Season. We relished the relaxed and friendly atmosphere of that small Wisconsin town. It reminded me of childhood, when life wasn’t quite so busy and hectic.