One More Thing Since It’s Friday
We seekers after knowledge today, we godless ones and anti-metaphysicians, we too continue to take our flame from the fire ignited by a belief which is millennia old, that Christian belief, that God is the truth, that the truth is divine. But what if this self same idea is becoming increasingly incredible, what if nothing reveals itself as divine, apart from error, blindness, lies—what if God himself proves to be our oldest lie?
A new problem exists: that of the value of truth. page 128
Times of exhaustion, of twilight, of decline, are times when the scholar comes to the fore. The predominance of Mandarins is never a good sign. page 129
excerpts from On The Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche
…and as counterpoint to Nietzsche’s sobering words there is this:
And I will comment more later. Enjoy the weekend!