Flower Power
For who has despised the day of small things? For they shall rejoice, and shall see the plumbline in the hand of Zerubbabel; these seven are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth.
—Zechariah 4:10
I’ve not lost my mind. I seldom quote verses of scripture. In my growing-up years I was taught that verses of scripture, have magico-religious power that could be called upon, if I memorized enough verses. I survived that superstition. The stories of the Bible are important to me but not in that way.
My intention for today’s post is to offer visual support for my argument that the physical participation of youthful athletes from North Korea and South Korea in the Olympic games can be a beginning of reconciliation. Predictably my thought along these lines was disparaged by my right leaning friends. Athletes from two countries technically at war, who share a culture and a language compose teams that will compete in a number of Olympic events. The opening ceremonies last night globally broadcast, viewed by millions showed the palpable joy on the faces of men and women from these two countries. The sister of the Leader of North Korea was present in the stands.
Of course there are any number of arguments made why the desires of the citizens of North Korea are irrelevant to what the leader desires. One respondent to my suggestion of a beginning of peace commented that is was lamentable that past US administrations had not by military force subjugated North Korea before now. I got the point. “If not now when?”–was the implication. I could find no words to offer a response.
Here are the photos captured during the opening ceremonies: