Light, Light, Light
A friend just sent me additional photos of the Teton mountains. Everything in each of the three photos is magnificent. It is light that enables me to make this statement. Light streaming from the sun sculpted the magisterial peaks due to heat and cold, and wind-driven erosion. Light energized photosynthesis for the spruce, the pine, the grasses to grow. Light nourished animal protein food, and vegetable sustenance, enabling growth to
maturity of the humans in one of the photos.
More immediately light reflected by each element of mountain meadow scene left a trace on the photo receptor chip in the camera. After considerable processing by the cameras computer, perhaps by more than one computer I can enjoy the images that were transmitted to me.
Yesterday, while writing my story, Barry came over to my table. He took a seat and shortly began telling me a tale of his family. The details were interesting, and frankly hair-raising. No question, but in the telling of the tale, the memory became less traumatic, and more in the “rear view mirror” of life, so to speak. To give words to experience, is to allow the light of the mind, and of reason to illuminate, to integrate into a meaningful whole our journey.
Here are two photos that I recently captured. A sprouting avocado seed seems a far cry from the Grand Teton mountains. Maybe not.