Art And Philosophy

This image was received from a friend. The quality of this photograph is obvious. I have never been to Yellowstone. This photo transports me emotionally to that landscape, its loneliness, to the emergence of life amidst the rocky crag. To my mind the image is titled, “One Tree Hill.”
An image of a universe….
the single sun of a constellation of a universe,
or the beginning of things,
or like a beam of light that draws a hidden universe out of the shadow.Art and philosophy crosscut the chaos and confront it, but it is not the same sectional plane; it is not populated in the same way. In the one there is the constellation of a universe of affects and percepts; and in the other, constitutions of immanence or concepts.
Art thinks no less than philosophy, but it thinks through affects and percepts.
–Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
excerpt from What Is Philosophy, page 66