Sunday was a day of adventure. An adventure happens when one’s plans, actions and experiences which you counted on are thwarted by circumstances. We planned to visit the Morton Arboretum to take in the troll display. The Arboretum has a number of giant trolls constructed of wood placed throughout the grounds.
The entrance to the Arboretum revealed a double lane of vehicles, would be patrons of the troll exhibit. The line was at least a half mile long. It was time to come up with another idea.
The town of Geneva on the Fox River came to mind. It has been years since visiting Geneva. We traveled westward on Roosevelt Road concluding that a walk-about in the public park that parallels the river, and strolling the Geneva main street was preferable to the wait in store for us to enter the Arboretum.
We did enjoy our walk by the river. Bicyclists of all ages zoomed by on the path. On the river individuals in kayaks paddled in groups along with the current. It was an especially pleasant summer afternoon. I thought how a river is a common symbol of the passage of time. Are we not all floating, buoyed along on the river of time? Everything is in motion, relative to everything else.
We enjoyed gazing at a cormorant perched in stately fashion on a buoy up-river from the dam. The long body and hooked beak of the bird was distinctive. I saw several more swiftly flying parallel with the river surface. These birds, once threatened by the use of DDT are making a comeback. How satisfying our contemplation of the creature, as it surveyed the river from the buoy.
The river’s surface, “the surface glittered out of heart of light.” The cormorant surveyed the river like a black feathered god.
2 thoughts on “Cormorant”
I believe that you can also find trolls right in front of you. Just go to any contentious politically oriented website and, voila, trolls of all shapes and sizes stirring up angst and discord, much like the trolls of old.
In Seattle, situated under a bridge waits a troll of enormous size. Something to consider when crossing any bridge.
Troll, trolls, trolls everywhere. We are overrun by trolls! I am again reminded of the troll in the White House and his orc army, not just in congress but online.
Facing off with a troll under a bridge is a more appealing prospect. Trolls cannot be ignored, but must be defeated.