I look for the way
things will turn
spiralling out from a center…
Life is about invention,
not survival.
We are here to create,
not to defend.
In a creative playful world,
all of us are, all the time,
Even the most analytic science,
the most careful construction of models,
is always poetry.
Life is intent on finding what works,
not what’s “right.”
It is the ability to keep finding solutions,
–any one solution is temporary.
There are no permanently right answers.
The capacity to keep changing,
to find what works now,
is what keeps any organism alive.
Everything participates in the creation
and evolution of its neighbors.
There are no unaffected outsiders.
No one system dictates….
All participate together
in creating conditions
of their interdependence.
There is no such thing as survival
of the fittest,
only survival of the fit.
This means there is no one answer
that is right,
but many answers
that might work.
Life seeks order in a disorderly way.
Who we become together
will always be different
than who we were alone.
–excerpt, A Simpler Way
by Margaret J. Wheatley and Myron Kellner-Rogers