Easy To Say No
Thursday and I awakened at 5:30AM. I couldn’t sleep because this is the Thursday of the awaited hearing. The complaint asserted by Dr.Christine Blaise Ford that the candidate for the Supreme Court attempted to rape her when they were students in high school will be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
I do not plan to listen to the hearing. I will learn about it soon enough, likely in the evening news. The hearing promises to be a Kabuki-like drama, with exaggerated costuming and gestures. I expect the committee members of Trump’s party will eviscerate her, making light of the psychological anguish suffered due to the event. They will discount her motives, as it has already been alleged that she is a front person for the enemies of the president’s administration, while they’ve refused to investigate her claim.
Is it conceivable that she could say anything at all that will give pause to the pell-mell rush to confirm the candidate? Yet, she persists in appearing before the committee.
The Kavanaugh confirmation vote is scheduled for tomorrow morning.
How does this materially differ from what happened to innocent women in old Salem, when old men condemned women to a drowning death because they were a convenient scapegoat? Who can be found to suffer, to take blame (for our ignorance), to serve as an object lesson, a necessary victim?
Some things have not changed.
To avoid an abrupt end on such a dark note, I found a tune from the 60’s, another turbulent time for our country. Easy To Be Hard was written by Galt MacDermot, James Rado, Gerome Ragni and made famous by Three Dog Night.