To be reverentially unexplored and pure
or nonsensical bunkum of appeal,
worshiped or derided,
an oblique perspective on existence
freed from customary egoistic vigilance
taking leave of the “I.”
Becoming a vagabond promiscuous thing
to find ourselves loving,
an intensity of enthusiasm,
now distributed, erratically and generously
to experience generosity, nobility of feeling, selflessness
traditionally associated with the divine.
To cease to worry overly about what might happen,
making our peace with the laws of entropy.
We’ll die.—-
That will be just fine.
Noticing life as we never otherwise do
we delight and embrace the knowledge
of our eternal nullity.
spiritual experience
is neither ineffable nor absurd,
an interval of relief
from the burdens and blindness of being us.
–excerpt Spirituality for People Who Hate Spirituality
Chapter 4, Self-Calm
The preceding text was excerpted from the Book of Life, published by The School of Life organization. The School of Life is a organization dedicated to exploring the practical, boots-on-the-ground, 4AM-and-the-baby-is-crying, lessons of philosophy. I am a subscriber and encourage you to give them a look. Click on the link below….