Avocado Story
It is impossible to ignore, to reduce to a disposable abstraction one’s relationship to the Earth. We are of Nature, and with all that lives, will return to the living earth, from which we came. There was a time before we were, even if I seldom feel that fact. There will be a time when I am not. Aging, the progressive loss of the bloom of youth, the persistent tap on the shoulder that comes with the passage of the years, reminds one that the arrow of time flies one direction only for us the living.
I suppose this should fill us with nostalgia, with compassion for everything and everyone. Yet, too often it does not. There are a bazillion ways that human nature can be formed by circumstances, — your birth parents that you did not choose, as they also did not have a choice…. And then the place and time of your living,–you did not get to choose that either. What of a child born into a poor home, in a time of famine? Or in a time of armed conflict, say in the time of Ireland’s troubles? What odds that child will thrive, prosper? The possibility is always real, but the odds are long.
Our group discussed the use of the terms “good” and “evil” last night. Clearly they are often used with imprecision, indicating what one likes or dislikes. Some reflection though suggests that those terms are connected to our source in Nature. What are the conditions under which a living thing/being will thrive? It goes without saying that outcomes can never be guaranteed, locked in. Yet, a plant is likely to “be happy,” show new growth, and reach maturity if it has enough good soil, light, regular moisture, in the growing zone native to its species. Likewise with a child, who likely will mature to a kind, and productive adult, if nurtured with empathy and attentive parenting.
I shared a story of my avocado seedling. I managed to root this seed resisting the urge to call an end to the experiment after some weeks had passed. Finally the plant rooted in water, and seemed to be thriving out of doors in the warm months of the year. Then after potting, I brought it inside for the cold winter months. Without intention, because of ignorance, I nearly killed the young plant. A house heated in winter time is a low humidity environment. I did not give sufficient water to the avocado to counter the dry environment. It lost every leaf but one. (I am slow to catch on) Upon increased watering, it has produced some tiny emergent leaves. The avocado may “make it.”
Knowledge matters. Parents always do harm to children, meaning well, but acting out of ignorance. A parent just may be unable to reflect upon any other option for action. This is the default human condition. As such this is not what we usually mean by “evil.” Evil is an action that is meant to do harm, to hurt, to do damage, with malice aforethought.
I think evil is fairly rare. There is a tripwire within us, the possibility of acting in this fashion. And there is enough of this mode of action around that there is no safe harbor from the destructive effects.
You have guessed correctly. The photo is of my avocado plant.