No Vacancy
Saturday. I arrived at Starbucks earlier than usual. The Saturday papers are not yet delivered, and feeling abnormally anxious I wanted to know if a five percent tariff would be imposed on imports from Mexico, beginning Monday. So I resorted to MSN news site on my computer and I felt relief. An agreement has been reached and the supply-chain-wrecking-tariff will not be imposed. I feel rankled that our neighbors to the south and the north must be wary of this unstable President who is apt to attack them on a whim, motivated by a sour mood, extracting concessions from them in order to fulfill some ill advised statement which he has made. I am also chagrined at the suffering of the families who live in central American countries. These have been economic colonies of the United States since the founding of the United Fruit Company in 1899. Now our colonials must flee the effects of climate change upon their farms, and the gang violence in their towns.
“No vacancy” is the lighted sign at our southern border.
I offer these words for your consideration. This was taken from a past edition of Ad Busters Magazine.
The instrument by which we simplify,
rationalize, and retell social complexities.
A myth does not have a moral.
It has a plan of action.
What happens when the story has been cloven,
if we are no longer sure what the story means?
Who are the rich or who are the poor?
Who is the true outlaw?
Is it the sheriff of Nottingham,
or Robin Hood?
Who is the absent king,
representing a fairer authority…….
Those who are rich enough
to be sitting on a pile of cash and assets
will get richer yet
just from the return on their capital
at a faster rate
than the economy can grow as a whole.
If you don’t start with capital,
you can never
close the gap
with the rich
no matter
how hard
you work