About Love
These lines compel reflection. Songs about love beyond counting have been written. Just within my short span of life, poets and lyricists find a bottomless well of material, as they peer into the surreal experience of love between two human beings. And, this is not limited to male-female love, never has been…
Nietzsche comments provocatively about the asymmetry of “love.” Do you feel a foreboding when reading these lines? I do. Seems to me the notion of benevolent, “good-willed” nature is disposed of with these words…
What woman means by love
is clear enough: total devotion (not mere surrender)
with soul and body, without any consideration or reserve,
rather with shame and horror
at the thought of a devotion that might be
subject to special clauses or conditions.
…she wants someone who takes,
who does not give himself or give himself away;
on the contrary,
he is supposed to become richer in “himself”
–through the accretion of strength, happiness, and faith
given him by the woman who
gives herself.
Woman gives herself away, man acquires more—
I do not see how one can get around
this natural opposition…
desirable as it may be not to remind oneself constantly
how harsh, terrible, enigmatic, and immoral
this antagonism is.
For love,
thought of in its entirety as great and full,
is nature,
and being nature
it is in all eternity something “immoral.”
–excerpt The Gay Science, Book 5, Section 363 by Friedrich Nietzsche
A song that is worthy, a tune that we can hold onto: Livin’ On A Prayer by Bon Jovi.