Amarillo Tx

Passing through Texas. Anticipate reaching New Mexico within a few more hours of driving.
The panhandle of Texas seems as flat as a plate, dry in appearance by comparison to the Midwest. Many cows are viewed from the road, standing, heads down, finding such nourishment as they can. Do they know they will soon enough, be encouraged to crowd into a truck, and driven off to the feed lot? There they will experience their “Last Supper.” Surely some will be “processed” — into a Big Mac. I’ve read that a slaughter house is manifestly violent, a ghastly charnal house of mechanized killing and dismemberment.
I feel a chill to consider that everything that lives must obtain energy to sustain life. That means consuming other energy rich resources, said bluntly, eating other living things. All other mammals surely deserve automatic forgiveness on account of the predator-prey relationship. I alone am able to reflect upon what is necessary for my life to be sustained. Are we compelled to reflect upon the consequence of what biological fate determines that we do? No. But, to become a moral agent, a self-aware human, — reflection is essential.
It matters how we do what must be done.
We enjoyed a superlative meal last night at El Tejavan close to the Raddison where we stayed. I would return for another meal of the Chiles Rellenos. The service, the atmosphere of the room, the satisfying flavors were close to perfection.