…there can be no doubt
that mankind is more changeable, uncertain,
inconsistent than any other animal
—he is the sick animal:
how has this come about?
Certainly he has also dared more,
done more things, braved more and challenged fate
more than all the other animals put together;
he, the great experimenter with himself,
discontented and insatiable, wrestling with animals,
nature and gods for ultimate domination
–he, still unvanquished, eternally directed toward the future,
whose restless energies never leave him in peace,
so the future digs like a spur into the flesh of every present
–how should such a courageous and richly endowed animal
not also be the most imperiled,
the most chronically and profoundly sick
of all sick animals?
–excerpt On the Genealogy of Morals, III #13 by Friedrich Nietzsche, trans. Walter Kaufmann, 1968
Is there anything of consequence left to say?
Consider this definition of animal:
What tune do you suggest? What will help us make our journey through the jungle of life? This one! Animal by Def Leppard!