Can all values
not be turned around?
And is goodness perhaps evil?
And God only an invention and finesse
of the Devil?
Is everything perhaps in the last resort false?
And if we are deceived,
are we not for that very reason also deceivers?
must we not be deceivers?
…learn to grasp the necessary injustice
In every For and Against,
injustice is inseparable from life,
and life itself is conditioned
by the sense of perspective and its injustice.
Human All To Human, by Friedrich Nietzsche, Preface 3-6
February 14, Valentine’s day. Love. That word, ignited by many situations, attitudes, vignettes. We have one word that is instrument for so many tasks. Is love the “Swiss Army Knife” of language, the all-in-one tool? Who is not tempted to believe that love is nothing but the rush of warm emotion that most of the Hallmark cards suggest?
Love is complicated, brimming with contradictions.
Tainted indeed. A mirror no less, of life.
Enjoy! Tainted Love by Soft Cell.