Before Dawn
Shearing ice crystals, sound with each step in the predawn gray. The friction of each footfall on this “bitter” morning announces winter’s presence. Friction and heat. Heat in January.
Heat as concept, a marker of life remains in my memory. Can you imagine the feel of warmth, to move about in a verdant landscape? Vegetation surges upward, touched and touching the sun’s streaming light. Sol Invictus.
So much richness that we’ve to anticipate, –a faith that reality is a shuttle-cock, that untiring motion between life’s warmth and death’s cold, the molecular dance beginning slowly, quickening to the disco beat, then slowly tails off to that last waltz. Then begins again.
Faith frames (determines in part) the real.
The glowing dashboard display reads +4 degrees F.
Music, music, let’s have some music! This tune wraps my soul in warmth, the indefatigable longing… Have You Seen Her by The Chi-Lites, released in 1971.