Belonging Together To Take A Stand

A few days ago an extended email exchange of points of view happened. The mutual expression of views were in response to an initial statement regarding the hyped and stratospheric values of the art market, a field of competition for the uber-wealthy. I was prompted to reflect upon my long standing fascination with art, and my eagerness to support artists by spending money on their work. This includes books of poetry, paintings, photography, and concerts. I’d never call myself an artist, but I am willingly obligated to preserving their work, to supporting their vocation.
In this regard, consider these words written by Martin Heidegger.
The preservers of a work
belong to its createdness
with an essentiality equal
to that of the creators.
But it is the work
that makes the creators possible
in their essence,
the work that by its own essence
is in need of preservers.
If art is the origin of the work,
this means that art
lets those who essentially belong together at work,
the creator and the preserver,
originate, each in his own essence.
What, however, is art itself…..
Art, as the setting-into-work of truth,
is poetry.
Not only is the creation of the work poetic,
but equally poetic, though in its own way,
is the preserving of the work;
for a work is in actual effect is a work
only when we remove ourselves
from our common place routine
and move into what is disclosed by the work,
so as to bring our own essence itself
to take a stand
in the truth of beings.
–excerpt The Origin of a Work of Art
by Martin Heidegger p. 196 and 199