Black Mirror
“When you tell me that, you know, he should testify because he’s going to tell the truth and he shouldn’t worry, well that’s so silly because it’s somebody’s version of the truth. Not the truth,” Giuliani told Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday morning.
“Truth is truth,” Todd responded.
“No, no, it isn’t truth,” Giuliani said. “Truth isn’t truth. The President of the United States says, “I didn’t …”
A startled Todd answered: “Truth isn’t truth?”
We seekers after knowledge today, we Godless ones and anti-metaphysicians, we continue to take our flame from that fire ignited by a belief which is millennia old, that Christian belief, that God is the truth, that the truth is divine. But what if this self-same idea is becoming increasingly incredible? What if nothing reveals itself as divine, apart from error, blindness, lies, –what if God himself proves to be our oldest lie.
A new problem exists: that of the value of truth.
–excerpt On The Genealogy Of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche page p. 128
Is this where we have come? Is this what we have come to? The mouthpiece of our leader has held up a mirror,–and this is us, the image of a great many American’s that looks back. I suppose that we’ve been so mind-f___ked by episodes of The Bachelor, Survivor, and other “reality” shows of this ilk, that we’ve lost our sense of the real. We cannot distinguish a simulacra, the faux real from lived life. Nothing that is offered to us on television is “real.” All is produced, “bent” to stimulate emotion to the benefit of the ad man who writes the check.
Perhaps Guiliani is not speaking in hyperbole. The years of dispensing ultra rightist ideology, cultivating cynicism by Fox have made a difference. The neo-fascist, thinly veiled racism of social-media sites define social reality for many of us.
We are at sea.
Pieces of wreckage cannot guide anyone lost at sea…….—The Graveyard by Marik Hlasko p. 110