Che vuoi?
What do you want?
The thought came this morning while reading. I am looking forward to the start of a new year of philosophical work with friends. That seems to be the only way to understand what it is that I want from life….. I have concluded that I need help, that working on this conundrum in solitude leads to an infinite regress of ambiguity. My salvation lies in my relationship with others. Looking back at my life, it is certain that others have been my life-line, unintentional sources of hope and clarity for me, as well as the opposite, additional glimpses of hell.
What is fundamentally hidden, confusion about what I desire can only be clarified, given form through a lowering of defenses, and a joint exploration of what at first may seem fantastical. The fantasies, bare possibilities are real-ized little by little though reciprocal confirmation by others. We grow more humanized as we journey together, in mind and in heart.
After all is not Philosophy a journey of mind and heart?