Chicago Marathon Part II
The story has no end. More remains to be said.
Our daughter in law crossed the finish line in Grant Park in just a little over four hours. At three points on the race course we saw her pass by and shouted her name to recognize her and to cheer her on to the finish line.
We were lucky on several accounts. Media sources reported that 44,571 individuals finished the race. Even using a iphone tracker we needed the assistance of good fortune to identify her in the few seconds when she passed each of the three locations where we were standing.
Cassie ran to honor the memory of Baby Kai and Baby Nolan who died before birth and a few days afterward due to medical complications which are identified but merit further research in order to devise an effective treatment. Her run also raised funds for that research.
This photo was taken when only a few miles remained to the finish line. She had just received a greeting from Myles, her oldest son, and after giving him a hug turned to continue the race.
Each of us, represents all of humanity. The race for well being, for a humane way of life for everyone continues. The race is life-long. It is run in hope that together we will prevail against disease, against ignorance and with good fortune, some luck along the way, we will discover better approaches to care for ourselves and for the earth.