China Girl
Good work of any kind presents many potential insights. One has to chose one’s focus, what to consider and write about. Artists say more than they are consciously aware in their work.
The lyric of China Girl was composed by David Bowie and Iggy Pop in 1976. The lyric and tune sizzle. There are layers of meaning and you will find your angle of view for contemplation. What is important, critical to you? What you will need you will find in this tune about male female relationships.
The syncopated beat of the drummer, intense, subtle background to the vocals, is over-layered by lush guitar chords. Does this represent life itself, displaying the intertwined beauty of just being alive? When we are youthful, we are compelled to pay attention as both hormones, and life’s newness captivate us. When older, years of familiarity, and a habit of inattention dulls our curiosity. Ought we not to pay attention? It is a choice we can make. Should we not yet celebrate the delicious exuberance of being alive?
The lyric describes a male-female relationship, typical, — with the female embellished by the male imagination into something of a goddess. It happens all the time. Certainly this serves nature’s goal of perpetuating the species. Culture also cultivates, propagates racial, and gender stereotypes. They are alluring, easy hooks, useful for selling products.
Bowie is right about how this makes stumbling “sacred cows” of all males.
The female in the story is not taken in. She resists being made into something she is not, detailed in the lines:
I’ll ruin everything you are
I’ll give you television
I’ll give you eyes of blue
I’ll give you men who want to rule the world
Enjoy the youtube video. The lyric lines are appended afterward.
China Girl
lyrics by Iggy Pop & David Bowie
I couldn’t escape this feeling
With my China Girl
I’m just a wreck without
My little China Girl
I’d hear hearts beating
Loud as thunder
See the stars crashing
I’m a mess without
My China Girl
Wake up mornings, there’s
No China Girl
I’d hear hearts beating
Loud as thunder
I’d see stars crashing down
I’d feel tragic
Like I was Marlon Brando
When I’d look at my China Girl
I could pretend that nothing
Really meant too much
When I’d look at my China Girl
I’d stumble into town
Just like a sacred cow
Visions of swastikas in my head
And plans for everyone
It’s in the white of my eyes
My little China Girl
You shouldn’t mess with me
I’ll ruin everything you are
I’ll give you television
I’ll give you eyes of blue
I’ll give you men who want to rule the world
And when I get excited
My little China Girl says,
“Oh Jimmy, just shut your mouth.”
She says, “Shhhh…”
David Bowie passed away in 2016. His humanity, and his courageous truth telling continue to speak in his songs. The original video to China Girl was a video repudiation of racial stereotypes.
“The video, which claimed to ‘consciously parody Asian female stereotypes’, was described by Bowie as a “very simple, very direct” statement against racism. Despite Bowie’s claims, the video was banned in multiple countries across the world.”
The video is raw and contains a visual reference to the film “From Here to Eternity.” If you’d like to view this uncensored, edgy work CLICK HERE.