Doing It To Ourselves
No, wait! For this story a title with more zip, more punch is needed. Here are some choices. I’ll let you the reader look these over and make a selection, after you have read the New York Times article.
- Y’all come on down!
- Winter comes early to Republican red-state-Texas
- Making promises you can’t keep
- A little help needed…..
- The awful numbers
- Exotic land deals and global investment tours
- Giant tower kills plants and damages sculpture
- Don’t blame me
Living here in Illinois, this is a familiar story. I’ll restrain myself from making further comment. Surely your own thoughts require no assistance from me to draw focused conclusions.
I resist ending a post on a negative note. Life implies hope and we need to hold onto hope and courage. I unsuccessfully searched for a youtube of Gary Puckett performing “Don’t make Promises.” The tune is an anthem of resistance against the all too human proclivity for betrayal. Sans video, I’ll conclude with a few lyric lines.
Seems the songs we’re singing
All about tomorrow,
Tunes of promises that you can’t keep.
Every moment bringing
Love I can only borrow,
Telling me lies in your sleep.
2 thoughts on “Doing It To Ourselves”
Ah yes, The NY Times which so openly abandoned all honest practices of journalism that it had to issue a post-election non-apology apology for the most biased reporting against Republicans in its entire history as a news organization. Is anyone really surprised that they are now writing pieces alleging that the bastion of conservatism in Texas might seem economically booming but is actually spiraling into chaos? Perhaps The NY Times would better serve its readers by reporting on how parts of Chicago have falling into such transparent chaos that it has become exemplary of failed liberal policies, earning the horrible name “Chi-raq” to indicate its third-world demise.
Does it help to kill the messenger? Perhaps it makes you feel better? “Oh never mind Dallas, look, look at what’s happening on the South and West side of Chicago!” Chicago and Dallas are not unrelated. Resources drain away from communities of color, leaving violent islands of poverty and unemployment in part due to the financial demands of massively under-funded pensions for public sector workers. I offer this quote from Frank Herbert as a blanket indictment of BOTH Liberal and Conservative aristocracies:
Governments, if they endure, always tend increasingly toward aristocratic forms. No government in history has been known to evade this pattern. And as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interests of the ruling class — whether that class be hereditary royalty, oligarchs of financial empires, or entrenched bureaucracy.”
― Frank Herbert, Children of Dune