Even Gravity…
What is called “perception”
is no longer a state of affairs
but a state of the body as induced by another body,
and “affection” is the passage of this state to another state
as increase or decrease of potential-power
through the action of other bodies.
Nothing is passive,
but everything is interaction,
even gravity……
Interaction becomes communication.
Even when nonliving, or rather inorganic,
things have a lived experience
because they are perceptions and affections.
-excerpt from What is Philosophy
by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari
2 thoughts on “Even Gravity…”
“but everything is interaction,
even gravity……” But if gravity is not quantum, no particle, what causes the interaction. It is possible there is no graviton to draw two bodies together as we have thought. It is possibly the warping of spacetime that causes our Earth to spin around the Sun, no gravitons involved. Hmmmmm……?
What? I lack the requisite background to follow your argument. The post was intended to stimulate thinking, comment. So ….thanks.