Fate, When Dreams Come True
are generally anxious
about really big things like
melting ice caps and collapsing economy
and unending stories about violence
and predators and college admissions….
They displace all of these fears of things
they cannot control
onto the one thing they believe
they can control,
which is children.
—-excerpt Wendy Mogel, The Blessing Of A B Minus: Using Jewish Teachings To Raise Resilient Teenagers
Yesterday my mind was occupied with several emails from friends. The topic generally was political theory. I contended that our society is a reflection of the assumptions which prevail at a point in time about human nature. What we assume, unspoken, secretly about ourselves, — the essence “of us” is projected upon others around us, especially the multitudes invisible due to social differences, ethnicity, etc. Our dreams (or nightmares) the secret “knowledge” we harbor about ourselves — come true in society writ large.
Do I not feel convinced of my rationality, and that I know what is best for myself?
Though, in retrospect considering the way I have come in life — I recognize how irrational an animal I truly am.
The email respondent commenting upon my contention that forming a society on the basis of rational-self-interest is problematic — offered in response: Do you have an alternative model?
Sadly I do not have another model.
The same dynamic is seen in parenting.
Could this be what the ancients meant by fate?
I cannot prove this, but I believe that awareness must help.