Finding One’s Kin
Kevin said it best. The theme of the event was gratitude. Time, effort were expended by everyone present, each according to his or her capacity. How do you find your kin? For our family, the annual “Pig Pickin” hosted by Kevin and Caryn in their backyard gets the job done.

Kevin said that the pig is prepared for the barbecue with care.

The cooking process began before light around 4AM. We arrived at 3PM and soon witnessed the whole animal lifted from the roaster and carried swiftly by Kevin and Mike to the pickin table. The meat is removed by hand, with a sense of reverence. The meal is a rare delicacy, for only once a year do we gather here to celebrate our relatedness together, be it by blood or by marriage or by the bond of friendship.

A special moment for me was the arrival of Lincoln, who only a few weeks ago took his first steps. Lincoln led his family, striding with confidence up the driveway with a big smile on his face. And I know that his sister Violet, who is now four months old, will walk up her grandfather Kevin’s driveway come August of 2017.

The pig pickin is opportunity for the older kids to compare and admire Pokemon card collections which they have brought. What fantastic stories those cards tell!
At last the preparations are complete and Kevin vigorously rings the dinner triangle, giving the official welcome affirming the unaccountable good fortune that brings us all together……

What are the odds that each of us, with our differences in background, life experiences, discovered a bond that brings us together every year for an afternoon of convivial conversation? How satisfying to update the story of ones journey………..and to hear the latest chapter of another’s?
Without question the pig plays it’s part in this tradition. Sincere gratitude to the animal whose life makes our lives possible.
That we are alive and here is a lucky accident. We are obliged to pay attention.