For A Song In A Time Of Dissonance
Aesthetics is the science dedicated
to the study of the contact between the derma
(the skin, the sensitive surface of our body-mind)
and different chemical, physical, electromagnetic,
electronic, and informational flows.
….the universe is a continuum of diverse and interrelated
entities in bodily contact with each other.
It is both an organic and inorganic continuum,
animal and mechanic, mental and electronic,
and the concatenation is made possible by
ritournelles, (a 17th century quick triple-time dance),
semiotic markers of rhythm.
Rhythm is the common substance of signs
(word, music, vision) and the brain.
The mind hooks onto the other
(the other mind, nature, artificial or social world)
thanks to rhythmic concatenation.
—Felix Guattari, Chaosmosis, pub 1995