Go Ahead, Jump

A few thoughts on Stoicism….
I found James Stockdale’s story a motherlode of lessons — if one is ready to consider and reflect.
Stockdale’s foray into politics as Ross Perot’s running mate was fated to fail it seems to me. Success in politics demands that one be a shape-shifter, or worse.
One thing that is clear about Stockdale’s story of being interned as a Navy aviator POW for four years at the age of 42. The key to his survival and that of his community of POWs was the limit that he placed upon what he was willing to give his captors. Taken from Stoic philosopher Epictitus’, Enchiridon, an absolute boundary was imposed upon what was negotiable. The integrity of the self, the self-respect that can only be earned by refusing to betray one’s fellows and by refusing the imposition of shame was key to Stockdale’s mental survival. Stockdale considered that his hellish circumstances, and his physical vulnerability were 100% outside of his control. The only freedom untouched by his captivity was the freedom of purpose expressed in response to these circumstances.
Another way of putting it, a lyric line from Hotel California, “this could be heaven or this could be hell” Little is in our purview other than our response to external circumstance. Our response determines the heaven or the hell of the matter. The “could” is the pivot point that is up to us.
The political profession at this time in our country seems to demand that a person place no limit upon what can be negotiated, bartered away, the quid pro quo. How counter-cultural Stoicism is to our present American ethos. I need only mention that our President routinely attempts to impose shame, to hector and lash those who differ with him into line with his desired outcome. He is no outlier, but is the poster child for this type of faux strength, which is really palpable servility.
To bring this down to earth, I’d like to refer to a well known pop song, Jump, by Van Halen. The tune even more than the lyric emphasizes the radicality of limiting ones vested interest to ones response to circumstances. The slashing synth keyboard notes are sculpted sonic images of strength. Over and over the invitation is “to jump,” “might as well jump” if one is to preserve one’s sense of self. This is no measured, tentative, incrementalism….
All of the externals may be attended with a dispassionate interest, because circumstances always change.
“you got it tough…”
“you’ve got to roll with the punches to get to what’s real.”
Stoicism is the invitation, over and over, to engage the changing fortunes of our existence as human beings, just jump, commit, — if we are to be a integrated self, to know what is real.