Herd Signals In My Head
…we could think, feel, will, and remember,
and we could also “act” in every sense of that word,
and yet none of all this would have to “enter our consciousness”.
The whole of life would be possible without,
as it were, seeing itself in a mirror.
Man… as the most endangered animal,
he needed help and protection,
he needed his peers,
he had to learn to express his distress
and to make himself understood;
and for all of this he needed ‘consciousness’,
that is to say, he needed to ‘know’,
himself what distressed him,
he needed to ‘know’ how he felt,
he needed to ‘know’ what he is thinking.
The sign-inventing man
is at the same time the human being
who becomes ever more keenly conscious of himself.
It was only as a social animal that man acquired consciousness of himself.
Fundamentally, all our actions
are altogether incomparably personal,
unique. and infinitely individual;
there is no doubt of that.
But as soon as we translate them
into consciousness
they no longer seem to be.
The world
of which we can become conscious
is only a surface and sign-world,
a world that is made common and meaner;
whatever becomes conscious
becomes by the same token shallow,
thin, relatively stupid, general, sign, herd signal;
all becoming conscious involves a great and thorough corruption,
falsification, reduction to superficialities and generalization.
We “know” or believe or imagine
just as much as may be useful
in the interests of the human herd, the species;
and even what is here called “utility”
is ultimately also a mere belief,
something imaginary,
and perhaps precisely
that most calamitous stupidity
of which we shall perish someday.
The Gay Science by Friedrich Nietzsche, trans. Walter Kaufmann aphorism 354
One of the enduring conundrums for philosophy, as well as for neuroscience is how to “explain” consciousness, that awakening of homo sapiens, a grasp of “self.” These lines are a lightning flash illuminating the social aspect of consciousness. Nietzsche points to the ramifications of our predicament as a language-enabled mammal. Becoming self-aware means mastery of understanding, of muscle memory of the tongue so that one can enlist the help of his/her fellows, and respond to their requests for aid. Words are containers for the minimally necessary information requisite to mirroring what the body indicates it needs, and minimally necessary for transmission and reception of what amounts to a mere surface state of things. Language by contrast to all that is always occurring is dumbed-down:
a shallow, thin, relatively stupid, general, sign, herd signal.
Nietzsche’s final thought suggests a scenario that describes the “Make America Great Again” stampede of allegiance to former President Donald Trump.
3 thoughts on “Herd Signals In My Head”
What’s really interesting to me is that for the VAST majority of our species, consciousness is not self-consciousness. It may translate to being aware of surroundings (i.e. seeing and understanding what a red traffic light means or picking food out of a bin at the grocery store) but it stops there. Being truly aware of our motivations and behavioral patterns is, for most folks, seen as just plain goofy. If these people even notice when someone is self-analytic, they will write it off as some left leaning moron who doesn’t really understand how God intended us to behave.
For me at least, the irony of this is that without a better understanding of why we do what we do, of remaining mindful of our actions and examining those behavioral patterns, we are indeed doomed to end human existence on earth. And with that extinction, Nietzsche’s notation of “God is Dead” will come to pass since the mythology inherent in religion will die with us. The great sociologist/entomologist Edward Wilson once said that to reach the next level of human evolution we will need to get through the bottleneck of ignorance. As time progresses, the chances of that seem more and more remote, but we can’t give up quite yet.
“To get through the bottleneck of ignorance” is a arresting portrayal of the challenge that is before us. As you suggest humanity has entered the bottleneck by all indications. Is it too late? What are the odds for success? Questions that certainly were asked by our ancestors many times over. If the future remains open for us to create, then calculating our prospects is simply the wrong question. We simply must get to work.
(kind of an odd statement coming from me).