How Bad Can It Get?
Yesterday by default I listened to the inauguration speeches, ritual, etc. My office mate had the coverage running on his computer. I worked at my desk, reasonably productive while listening to the broadcast. Unfortunately no surprises. Trump in his first presidential speech reiterated the laundry list of nativist programs and planet killing ideas that he featured in his campaign. Like other narrowly educated individuals that I have known, the president is a “one trick pony.” I expect to hear the same spiel, over and over.
Today I feel better though. In a hour or so I will travel to Chicago to participate in a protest march. It’s the right thing to do. Last night we had dinner at Crossroads, a favorite neighborhood bar in Mundelein. As we waited for our order to be served, I soaked up the loud conversation around me. Friday is payday. Individuals who earn a livelihood by working with their hands look forward to dinner out, or to meeting with friends for a beer. I really enjoyed the happy chaos around me. Life is good.
Later in the evening at home I happened upon the Oliver Stone movie Platoon. I watched most of it. It’s a must see film. A group of young men from different backgrounds, live and die together under the extremities of war. Three main characters are Chris Taylor played by Charlie Sheen, cynical Sargent Barnes played by Tom Berenger, and the idealistic Sargent Elias played by William Dafoe. Perhaps you’ve seen this movie?
One of the penultimate scenes is iconic. How bad can it get? This.