How Mad Am I?
Even if
we were mad enough
to consider all our opinions as truth,
we should nevertheless not wish them alone to exist.
I cannot see why
we should ask for
an autocracy and omnipotence of truth:
it is sufficient for me to
know that it is a great power.
Truth, however,
must meet with opposition
and be able to fight,
and we must be able
to rest from it at times in falsehood
truth will grow tiresome,
powerless, and insipid,
and will render us equally so.
The Dawn of Day by Friedrich Nietzsche, trans. by J. M. Kennedy, aphorism 507
The first day, January 1st. Everything real for human beings amount to a massive warehouse of language-abstractions, words and the dense network of relations/connections between the linguistic symbols. There are never enough words, and words added for the entirety of one’s life.
However there is a temptation, a seduction of language. It is easiest, simple to believe the version of “reality” that I happen to entertain is “the truth.” Now truth is a critical and important belief, one that I simply cannot do without. I need a reliable, an authentic representation of the external world if I am to survive, or even better, to thrive.
The notion that “my take” upon the world, my opinion is the final one and the baseline by which to measure yours, — would be madness and absurd. I may be mad, but not that mad, — even if plenty of my countrymen certainly are.
So for the twelve months ahead of us, let’s “try some shit.” Experiment with life to see what works! Shall I be willing to “take a break” from the truth of my opinion, cease insisting that anyone who disagrees with me ought to be punished? As if we are artists, shall we not try something new? “Take a chance!”, perhaps I’ll be delighted to discover something I never suspected.
Becoming tiresome, powerless and insipid seems a hell to me…
Let’s try some shit!